Physiotherapy forms an important part in recovering fully from an injury
The earlier we can assess you the better. Injury management ideally needs to start immediately after the injury occurs. Your physiotherapist will carry out a thorough clinical assessment to clarify what the injury is.
Physiotherapists are skilled in all areas of effective injury recovery, including:
Clarifying what has been injured
Correctly managing the injury
Getting you back to work or sport quickly & safely
Reduce the chance of injury happening again
Our team of physiotherapists will also discuss what your own personal goals are. The exact nature of your rehabilitation depends on the injury itself and what you are aiming to return to.
A typical rehabilitation program may include work to improve:
Muscle length and joint range of movement (flexibility)
Muscle strength
Movements and drills specific to your work and/or sport
Prevention of a repeat injury / recurring injury
Balance and control of movement (stability)
Cardio-vascular fitness
You will also be provided with a program to work on at home. This program will involve a small number of carefully selected exercises to follow which form the complete injury management package to facilitate the most efficient and effective recovery.
We have facilities here at the clinic to enable us to work closely with you on your rehab. These include:
Free weights and rehabilitation space
Squash courts
Exercise balls, BOSU balance balls, foam rollers, medicine balls and stability devices
Extensive outside space – both grassed and hard standing